World-Class Recruitment is Humanly Possible
At ManpowerGroup, we drive our clients towards the future of work through innovative workforce solutions. Above all, we understand what it takes to design and deliver recruitment strategies that drive successful results - time after time. Our clients know it and HR leaders agree.
Our Accolades
Best Overall Recruitment Firm for 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 & 2020 (HR Vendors of the Year)
Recruitment Agency of the Year for 2018, 2019 & 2020 (Asia Recruitment Awards)


HR Vendors of the Year Awards, SINGAPORE
GOLD: Best Staffing Recruitment Firm (ManpowerGroup Singapore)
GOLD: Best Mid-Management Recruitment Firm (ManpowerGroup Singapore)
GOLD: Best Executive Search Firm (ManpowerGroup Singapore)
GOLD: Best Recruitment Portal (Manpower Singapore)
HR Vendors of the Year Awards, SINGAPORE
OVERALL WINNER: Best Overall Recruitment Firm
GOLD: Best Staffing Recruitment Firm (ManpowerGroup Singapore)
GOLD: Best Mid-Management Recruitment Firm (ManpowerGroup Singapore)
GOLD: Best Executive Search Firm (ManpowerGroup Singapore)
GOLD: Best Recruitment Portal (Manpower Singapore)
Asia Recruitment Awards, SINGAPORE
GOLD: Recruitment Agency of the Year (>50 employees)
GOLD: Best Recruitment Portal by a Recruitment Solution Provider (Manpower Singapore)
HR Vendors of the Year Awards, SINGAPORE
OVERALL WINNER: Best Overall Recruitment Firm
GOLD: Best Recruitment Portal (Manpower Singapore)
GOLD: Best Mid-Management Recruitment Firm (ManpowerGroup Singapore)
GOLD: Best Executive Search Firm (ManpowerGroup Singapore)
SILVER: Best Staffing Recruitment Firm (ManpowerGroup Singapore)
Asia Recruitment Awards, SINGAPORE
GOLD: Recruitment Agency of the Year (>50 employees)
GOLD: Best Recruitment Portal by a Recruitment Solution Provider (Manpower Singapore)
HR Vendors of the Year Awards, SINGAPORE
OVERALL WINNER: Best Overall Recruitment Firm
GOLD: Best Recruitment Firm, Non-Management Roles (ManpowerGroup Singapore)
GOLD: Best Recruitment Firm, Senior-Management Roles (ManpowerGroup Singapore)
GOLD: Best Recruitment Portal (Manpower Singapore)
FINALIST: Best Recruitment Firm, Mid-Management Roles (ManpowerGroup Singapore)
Asia Recruitment Awards, SINGAPORE
GOLD: Recruitment Agency of the Year (ManpowerGroup Singapore)
HR Vendors of the Year Awards, SINGAPORE
OVERALL WINNER: Best Overall Recruitment Firm
GOLD: Best Recruitment Firm, Senior-Management Roles (ManpowerGroup Singapore)
GOLD: Best Recruitment Firm, Non-Management Roles (ManpowerGroup Singapore)
SILVER: Best Recruitment Firm, Mid-Management Roles (ManpowerGroup Singapore)
BRONZE: Best Recruitment Portal (Manpower Singapore)
Asia Recruitment Awards, SINGAPORE
GOLD: Best Recruitment Agency
HR Vendors of The Year Awards, SINGAPORE
OVERALL WINNER: Best Overall Recruitment Firm
GOLD: Best Recruitment Firm, Senior-Management Roles (ManpowerGroup Singapore)
SILVER: Best Recruitment Firm, Non-Management Roles (ManpowerGroup Singapore)
FINALIST: Best Leadership Development Consultants (Right Management Singapore)
FINALIST: Best Recruitment Firm, Mid- Management Roles (ManpowerGroup Singapore)
HR Vendors of the Year Awards, SINGAPORE
SILVER: Best Recruitment Firm, Non-Management Roles (ManpowerGroup Singapore)
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