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How You Can Step Up to Meet The Skills Gap

Blog How You Can Step Up To Meet The Skills Gap

​Nearly half of employers today say they can’t find the skills they need, according to ManpowerGroup research. This shortage presents an opportunity for employees and job seekers, who can step into new roles with the right approach. Here’s how to cultivate a career move using the strategies aligning with how organizations are finding talent.

Build: Grow from within

Organizations are developing talent in-house, which means opportunities to expand roles into new areas. Employers are emphasizing that continuous learning is essential for individuals to keep growing in their roles, and better grow with the organization. For employees, this requires embracing learnability and a growth mindset. The role that you find yourself in an organization may be very different tomorrow than it is today.

Buy: Sell your skills

It’s a simple law of supply and demand. Due to the shortage, employers are attracting employees with competitive wages, perks or other benefits will allow organizations to buy talent. Those who are looking to make a move now have better options at different organizations. To maximize marketability, job seekers can work on selling themselves through means of their resume, LinkedIn, networking and applying for new roles.

Borrow: Lend your talent

The “side hustle” is becoming both a resume builder and supply of extra income for the next generation. Both workers and organizations are increasingly turning to flexible employment opportunities including part-time, freelance, contract and temporary workers. As organizations cultivate workers inside and outside of the company, employees can take advantage of the gig economy by fitting into flexible opportunities.

Bounce: Make the leap

Bouncing can mean leaping up in an organization. In today’s changing landscape, agility is needed to consider how someone’s skills can be moved around inside the same organization, or in another role in a new company. For employees, this means identifying their adjacent skills to see how they can adapt to new roles.

Today’s organizations are building, buying, borrowing and bouncing talent to fit their needs. If employees are aware of these trends, they can take advantage and accelerate their careers.